Corbyn and Blair: are they really so very different? | Marina Hyde

Both believe in their own moral infallibility. In the movies, this type of guy redeems himself. In real life, it’s not quite so simple

Are we so different, you and I?” the Emperor wonders of Maximus in Gladiator. “You and I are very much alike,” Belloq tells Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark. “I am but a shadowy reflection of you.” “You and me … you and me, we not so different,” a rather poorly drawn Mexican tells Vin Diesel in Fast & Furious 4.

Even when the characters don’t say it, we know it: Pacino and De Niro in the restaurant in Heat. The bit where Keanu Reeves has a clear shot on Patrick Swayze in Point Break and he can’t do it because he’s in too deep and he just has to howl and empty the chamber into the sky (later parodied hilariously in Hot Fuzz). Luke cutting Vader’s hand off in Return of the Jedi.

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