Star Trek: Discovery is reminding me of everything I loved about Enterprise

Could Star Trek’s new series boldly go back to undo the worst season finale in sci-fi TV history? Surely in Discovery’s multiverse, anything is possible

Star Trek: Discovery is the sixth live-action series of television’s most beloved, and enduring, cult franchise – and it is fun, oh my. We’re not even a full season into its story of an experimental spaceship in an interstellar war and yet, already: Mutinies! Drunken sex! Space rhinos! Alien face surgery! Mushrooms! And Michelle Yeoh turning up – twice, and in two guises – to smack the crap out of some bad guys!

Critics are nicknaming the series “Disco”, and it’s not hard to see why. So many lights; so many frantic steps. And with the ship under the present command of a talking, bald, bipedal horse, there’s more than a little disco-biscuit aesthetic to the whole shebang.

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from The Guardian
