
A God Who Restores: Michael Vick Reads Psalm 23 Over Liberty University Students

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New & Noteworthy

Dear Match Book: Forbidden Love

A Girl Vanishes. But in This Novel, Time Is the Real Mystery.

The Plight of Working Women, as Seen by the Woman in the Corner Office

‘Heart Berries’ Shatters a Pattern of Silence

Kwame Alexander to Start His Own Imprint. The Name? Versify. Get It?

HullCoin: The social experiment that's rewarding good deeds

Coronation Street to get a Co-op and Costa in product placement deal

Can cars be used as mini power stations?

Rescuing child brides

Global brew

Things fall apart

Robo news

'Too worried to sleep'

The magic money tree

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Facebook 'no place' for young children

Microsoft disables 'buggy' Intel patch

Facebook to promote local news in drive for 'trusted' content

TomTom ditches map updates for some sat-navs

YouTube caught out by coin-mining adverts

North and Midlands 'most likely to lose out to robots'

Fines up to £17m launched for firms with poor cyber-security

Children could get online grooming 'alerts' - NSPCC

ColorFab: 3D printer can change colour of objects

Five tips to keep your app data safe online

How a boy from Belarus makes money from mining cryptocurrency

Night Shift: Game aims to help doctors detect trauma

Trump pushes hardline immigration policies even as he urges unity

Trump preaches cooperation, but can he follow through?

Trump orders Guantanamo detention center to stay open

Trump fixes gaze on Republicans during speech to U.S. Congress

Justice Department warned White House about releasing memo: Washington Post

Hawaii civil defense employee mistook drill for actual missile attack

Texas inmate executed for murder of ex-girlfriend

Governor seeks probe of Texas training site in gymnastics scandal

As U.S. immigration debate rages, 'Dreamers' await their fate

CIA director expects Russia will try to target U.S. mid-term elections

Trump warns Americans of nuclear threat from 'depraved' North Korea