Dear Damian Hinds, reducing learning to yes-no questions, like Brexit, is not a great idea| Michael Rosen

Stop testing facts and give more time to teach children how they can apply their knowledge

Dear Damian Hinds

We’re easing into the holiday mood, and looking forward to six weeks without any pre-exam revision panic, morning-of-exam nerves, or post-exam depression. Of course, we have still got something to look forward to: the summer misinformation-fest, when headlines will roar that “results have improved” or “slumped”, or both at the same time. We’ll probably hear how “top schools” have done better, or not so well, and some schools are “failing”, as if these matters were unrelated to the nature of the schools’ intakes or their rates of “out-takes” – that is, their pupil exclusions, which we’ve heard a lot about lately, or their invisible “off-rolling”.

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from The Guardian
